Ken Day (March 13th)

Oh, I’m having so much fun!
Aqua – Barbie Girl–
Well Barbie, we are just getting started
Oh, I love you, Ken
If you’re a Barbie Girl, you know that one of the most enchanting men on Earth is Ken Carson, the dreamboat that occupies Barbie’s every waking thought. He came along a long time ago and has supported her in every iteration, following her as she progressed from 50’s housewife to the savvy self-sufficient Businesswoman that is her current incarnation. Ken Day gives Ken Carson his due, as we spend some time recognizing his contribution and importance to Barbie and her Barbie World!
History of Ken Day
Ken Day celebrates the occasion in 1961 when Barbie’s long-term on-off boyfriend, Ken Carson, first appeared on the scene, exhibited by his makers Mattel at a toy fair. In spite of some unfair comments about his manliness and the rather more likely suggestions that he cared more about his clothes than his love life, the romance blossomed.
The couple had a brief separation in the 1960’s, but then stayed together until 2004. Then, in a move that shocked the world of plastic celebrities, Barbie announced their break-up and transferred her affections to Blaine Gordon, an Australian surfing dude.
Ken hadn’t given up though, and in 2011 made some much-publicized attempts to celebrate their fiftieth anniversary by winning her back. We know that in the end, Ken will definitely win her back, after all, he’s the very love of her life how could she possibly resist! Sure it’s been a rocky road, but every relationship has its struggles!
How to celebrate Ken Day
Ken Day is probably best celebrated with a wholesome date night or a barbecue on the beach, a very large hair-do, and some polyester leisurewear. If you’re not quite feeling up to emulating Ken in your daily dress, then simply take some time to appreciate the girl or guy of your dreams. For all their struggles, Ken and Barbie have had 50+ years of relationship to build on, and that’s a worthy goal for anyone.
Take them out and buy them nice things, dress up your best, and if you’re feeling creative and a little kooky, you can even put together a full evening dedicated to the era Ken and Barbie call home. Complete with creative jello based desserts and the most outlandish of music from days gone by. Go all out friends!
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