Be Humble Day (February 22nd)

Humility may be the most difficult of all the virtues to truly attain. There seems to be a paradox in that claiming to have humility may be an act of pride. Some people might be prideful in their humility… or something like that. Either way, Be Humble Day focuses on humbling yourself.
There is no boasting allowed on Be Humble Day. Choosing not to brag about your successes and abilities can prove to be much more difficult than one might anticipate, as the culture surrounding us is often centered on self and the successes achieved by an individual.
Throughout the
History of Be Humble Day
In a fascinating twist of irony, the person responsible for the founding of Be Humble Day is unknown. Whoever it was clearly took humility seriously and didn’t bother to brag about starting a recognized day of celebration. Perhaps the person was so humble that they didn’t even stop to think they might have instigated something that would reach so far.
How to celebrate Be Humble Day
The observance of Be Humble Day can be gone about in many ways, but all the avenues of observance should maintain the quietness associated with humility. There should be no loud proclamations of the fact that you’re celebrating Be Humble Day, as that would ruin the point. The first step is simply to bear in mind to be humble.
If you keep that focus then the rest may follow along after quite simply. Remember: don’t focus on your own greatness and the achievements you’ve made. Be Humble Day is also about encouraging others and focusing on their achievements, and giving a friend or co-worker the props they deserve is an excellent way to keep in the spirit of Be Humble Day.
If you’re looking for further inspiration and more ways to dig deeper into humility on Be Humble Day then perhaps considering these quotes from some great minds (a title foisted upon them by others, not one they themselves took in keeping with humility) will assist you in your journey.
The Christian thinker C.S. Lewis, best known for his beloved Chronicles of Narnia book series, said that “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” A perfect quote for Be Humble Day. Criss Jami, an American poet and philosopher observed that “The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.”
And if you think you know something then stop for a minute and consider the words of Albert Einstein: “A true genius admits that he/she knows nothing.” If Albert Einstein can admit that he knows nothing then perhaps there is hope for all of us to be more humble in our everyday lives. Opportunities to humble ourselves pass us by every day, and Be Humble Day is the perfect inspiration to sit and up and notice these chances to better ourselves and to make the world a more pleasant place for the people around us.
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